code logs -> 2009 -> Sun, 26 Jul 2009< code.20090725.log - code.20090727.log >
--- Log opened Sun Jul 26 00:00:00 2009
--- Day changed Sun Jul 26 2009
Over 13s of runtime, 7s in PhysicsObject.update, 4.2s in rebalancing the quadtree, and the rest in loading assets. This is no good.
00:08 You're now known as TheWatcher[T-2]
00:09 Attilla [~The.Attil@92.1.240.ns-2748] has joined #code
00:09 mode/#code [+o Attilla] by ChanServ
00:11 You're now known as TheWatcher[zZzZ]
00:25 * Derakon ponders if there's some way to get cProfile to generate some kind of colorized source code output that tells him cleanly how his time is being spent in a more heirarchical fashion than the basic profiler output does.
Like, the report tells me that I'm spending 3.566s in and under Sprite.getBounds, but how much of that is from collision detection vs. from rebalancing the quadtree?
00:39 AnnoDomini [] has quit [Quit: Oh hai. In teh beginnin Ceiling Cat maded the skiez An da Urfs, but he did not eated it.]
Woot, fixed it!
Went from 45 objects causing the game to choke and die a horrible death to 45 objects causing no noticeable slowdown whatsoever. :)
...I spoke too soon. Things were fast because I was dropping objects on the floor.
01:22 * Bobsentme stifles a giggle
< Bobsentme>
Still better than me. I can't even get a system ping to work in Qt Creator
01:22 Consul [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
02:10 Consul [] has joined #code
02:10 mode/#code [+o Consul] by ChanServ
02:27 Attilla [~The.Attil@92.1.240.ns-2748] has quit [Quit: ]
02:39 Thaqui [~Thaqui@121.98.166.ns-22683] has joined #code
02:39 mode/#code [+o Thaqui] by ChanServ
02:39 gnolam [] has quit [Quit: Z?]
03:01 * Derakon fixes the dropping of objects on the floor, goes back to figuring out why things are so slow.
Blargh. I hate the prospect of just converting all this stuff over into C/C++, but I'm not seeing any obvious sources of slowdown.
This function's taking .906s over 16073 calls, just in itself (i.e. disregarding calls to other functions), and I don't know why.
It's also taking about half of the overall runtime, when counting calls to other functions made by it.
Well, it may not be the function that's the problem but unnecessary calls?
A fun little math problem: to get the coefficients etc of an arbitrary polynomial given a bunch of results from xs you choose, you need degree + 1 points: once you get a value that is expected, you can stop. How many points do you need if the coefficients are restricted to nonnegative integers?
What do you mean by "given a bunch of results from xs as you choose"?
I have a polynomial function f(x).
It's a black box though; you can giveit an x and it will return the y.
Ahh, empirically-derived results.
Eh. I'll give you the answer: 2. Now all you have to do is figure out why.
Well, 2 is clearly enough to establish if the function is linear.
But it shouldn't be sufficient for anything *more* than that.
Is there a constant term?
That is, c_0 * x^0?
05:18 * Derakon installs Cython, notes that one of the log lines that goes by is "Picking lexicon..."
Yeah, Cython doesn't like installing on Windows.
At least, not unless you compiled Python from scratch yourself.
Ah, there it goes. I finally got it pointing to mingw
Looks like it's installed.
05:52 * Derakon looks up, notes he made a typo. It was "Pickling lexicon...".
In any event, my goal was to do some speed tests comparing the pure-Python Vector2D class and a Cython version. Sadly, Cython doesn't seem to like my use of __new__ instead of __init__.
Well, my install seems to work.
We'll see if this plus pyVST makes for some interesting stuff.
Which is as yet unfinished, actually.
06:02 Syloqs-AFH [Syloq@ServicesAdmin.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
Hah. Rudimentary test has the pure-Python version being .01s *faster*, in a loop that instantiates some 1 billion Vector2D instances.
Mind you, I'm not really using Cython to its full extent here.
Argh, I have to recompile the code after changing it! >.<
Welcome to the world of C. :-P
I'm not glad to be back.
The Cython docs really, really need a simple example of a class written entirely in Cython.
06:25 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
06:26 Derakon[AFK] [] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
07:32 Vornicus is now known as Vornicus-Latens
08:15 AnnoDomini [] has joined #Code
08:15 mode/#code [+o AnnoDomini] by ChanServ
08:43 Thaqui [~Thaqui@121.98.166.ns-22683] has quit [Client exited]
10:09 Attilla [~The.Attil@92.1.240.ns-2748] has joined #code
10:09 mode/#code [+o Attilla] by ChanServ
10:25 You're now known as TheWatcher
10:53 gnolam [] has joined #Code
10:53 mode/#code [+o gnolam] by ChanServ
< Orthia>
What is Cython?
11:29 Rhamphoryncus [] has quit [Quit: Rhamphoryncus]
11:36 * gnolam guffaws.
<@gnolam>;en-us;297830 <- "More information"
11:43 * AnnoDomini laughs out loud.
14:40 Explorer [Explorer@88.235.124.ns-11209] has joined #code
14:40 TarinakyKai [] has joined #code
14:40 Explorer [Explorer@88.235.124.ns-11209] has left #code []
14:42 Tarinaky_ [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
16:08 Syloqs_AFH [~Syloq@Admin.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
16:09 Syloqs_AFH is now known as Syloqs-AFH
17:04 Derakon [] has joined #code
17:04 mode/#code [+o Derakon] by ChanServ
17:25 SmithKurosaki [] has quit [Client exited]
17:27 SmithKurosaki [] has joined #code
17:27 mode/#code [+o SmithKurosaki] by ChanServ
Orthia: it's a language for writing Python C extensions in.
It looks similar to Python, but is statically typed and lets you call C code directly; at compile time it's translated into C.
18:01 * gnolam stabs non-free standards with a rusty, tetanus-coated shiv.
18:05 * gnolam also stabs free-but-impossible-to-navigate standards.
18:20 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
18:25 * ToxicFrog joins in
18:57 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
The City of Boston hands out free cyber security advice:
(Tip #6)
Der: two is enough for things with positive integer coefficients - you just have to use that fact carefully.
20:25 * Vornicus-Latens writes a q&d polynomial evaluator in five lines: def evaluate_polynomial(coefficients, x): y = 0; for coefficient in coefficients: y = y * x + coefficient;; return y
...which, actually, if you recognize the inner loop there, gives it away.
20:37 Vornicus-Latens is now known as Vornicus
20:48 Rhamphoryncus [] has joined #code
22:30 Vornicus [~vorn@ServicesOp.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
22:34 Vornicus [Vornicus@Admin.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
22:34 mode/#code [+o Vornicus] by ChanServ
23:24 Reiv [] has joined #Code
23:54 AnnoDomini [] has quit [Quit: ACHTUNG! ALLES LOOKENSPEEPERS! Das Internet is nicht fuer gefingerclicken und giffengrabben. Ist easy droppenpacket der routers und overloaden der backbone mit der spammen und der me-tooen. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei das dumpkopfen. Das mausklicken sichtseeren keepen das bandwit-spewin hans in das pockets muss; relaxen und watchen das cursorblinken.]
--- Log closed Mon Jul 27 00:00:48 2009
code logs -> 2009 -> Sun, 26 Jul 2009< code.20090725.log - code.20090727.log >