code logs -> 2018 -> Fri, 14 Sep 2018< code.20180913.log - code.20180915.log >
--- Log opened Fri Sep 14 00:00:30 2018
Though, you know, if Squeenix wants to make a PC port I won't object
Then everyone can be super mad because it turns out that Platinum is way better at action games than Cavia was~
I don't think anyone would argue that Nier was a better game than Nier Automata but it was pretty fun in its own right
00:06 macdjord|wurk is now known as macdjord
00:12 * Reiv ponders
Does anyone have much knowledge of UPSes?
I am pondering the following deal
But at the same time if I already have a decent surge protector I'm not sure if there's much point, or indeed if that one is even remotely decent
(OTOH having a big fat battery backup in the house would not be a bad thing for disaster preparedness either way; just unhook the PC and use it for Infinite Cellphone Recharging, yes indeed)
< Mahal>
That looks pretty alrightto me, Reiv.
Reiv: I have no idea if that one's any good, but having a UPS in the house has historically been quite useful for us
It can keep all the networking and ancilla up for an hour, and then just the networking up for another hour after that
< Degi>
How often does power go out at your place?
Infrequently, but when it does it does so emphatically
And I am broadly aware I should Be Doing More To Be Prepared WRT disaster preperations anyway, and having an always-charged UPS seems a good step in that direction to go with the Cupboards of Cans and the Barrels of Water.
(I do not anticipate evacuation. NZ Civil defense strategies emphasise staying put and holding your own for three days.)
(And if Hamilton needs evacuating, um, what the fuck happened to the rest of the country, lolz)
< Degi>
How often do disasters happen at your place? Is it hurricane prone?
00:25 Emmy [] has joined #code
< Mahal>
Degi: look at where NZ is in relation to the Pacific and ... next ... tectonic plate.
< Mahal>
NZ basically *is* a faultline.
< Mahal>
we get earthquakes, lots of 'em, we get the tail end of every hurricane or cyclone that hits the Pacific
< Degi>
< Mahal>
Basic preparedness is just .. something kiwis have to do.
NZ is a faultline. Earhquakes happen, and when they do it is somewhat legendary that routes of evacuation are cut at the very moment that evacuation becomes needed because supplies, y'know, can't get in.
So long as supplies can get in and your house is not actively collapsing, the advice is /very much/ 'stay put, look after yourselves and your neighbours'
And the Civil Defense Network starts rapidly spooling up logistics to get supplies to the locations that are cut off and the roading crews and sparkies get to work putting everything back into usable.
This is why they specify 'three days'; the idea is that this gives the response system enough time to get things spooled up and work down their list to 'you'
< Mahal>
We had a storm blow through Auckland a few months ago. The power network lost something like 20% of it's capacity in 15 minutes.
< Mahal>
Most of it was back up inside 3 days, some took a week or two.
< Degi>
We do not have 'preppers' in quite the same way in NZ
< Mahal>
sorry, 40%!
00:30 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
But NZ's government makes a very real effort to ensure that NZers as a whole are, to a degree, 'prepped'.
< Mahal>
Also, it's struck me from your earlier discussions of this that NZ is sufficiently small that they can't stand up a lot of backup/reserve capacity because there isn't room or it will be taken out along with the stuff it was supposed to be backup for
< Mahal>
< Mahal>
What we lost in Auckland was resilience, rather than power gen
< Degi>
Hm nice, underground cabling
< Mahal>
Because overhead powerlines, mostly
< Mahal>
Yeah underground cabling is great until earthquakes
< Mahal>
there's this whole juggling act of "enough give to accept earthquakes" and "keeping underground to avoid Weather" and sometimes the calculations end up "overhead powerlines are superior" and sometimes they end up underground
< Degi>
Overhead shielded power lines so that they don't short out when they fall down and are earthquake proof.
The network companies of NZ have planned budgets for X km of new underground cabling per annum
00:36 celmin|away [] has quit [[NS] Quit: And lo! The computer falls into a deep sleep, to awake again some other day!]
The catch was found in Christchurch when the quake hit, and the underground stuff took waaaaay longer to stand up
Which was kind of amusing given it's usually in the nicer neighbourhoods
< Mahal>
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McMartin: The other problem we have is geographical
Auckland is our London equivalent
Much of NZ's power generation is in /another island entirely/
< Degi>
Well in Germany we got underground pretty much everywhere in residential places (even in small villages) but got no earthquakes either.
And around Auckland itself there really aren't much in the way of decent prospects for local power generation options beyond 'build a great big fuckoff thermal or something', so All Powerlines Lead To Auckland is a thing.
Yeah, Germany is... stable
NZ is... not.
We don't have concrete roads, either. The ground moves too often. :P
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01:28 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
01:29 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
Aaaaand this is why you always double check the 'amazing deal' websites, lol:
Same model. Twenty bucks cheaper, not on sale, in my home town.
< Mahal>
03:14 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: KABOOM! It seems that I have exploded. Please wait while I reinstall the universe.]
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10:16 * TheWatcher learns about the existence of a language called Kotlin, ....s
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What's up with it that is ...-worthy
It's like someone looked at Java and went "let's take out some of java's saner features, fiddle the syntax around, and add some more type safety stuff"
A good one that I can't see having any downsides whatsoever is that you don't have to match directories to packages, because nobody really needs to work out where a package might be defined from somewhere else in the code.
semi-colons are optional, instead they use colons all over the shop for various things
10:55 Degi [] has joined #code
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14:52 Kindamoody|afk is now known as Kindamoody
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16:35 * gnolam idly notes that his release procedure has gotten somewhat more informal over the years.
Since my latest request to release a new version to customers just consisted of "Ia! Ia! [admin guy's name] fhtagn!" and a file path.
16:42 Degi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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21:03 Degi [] has joined #code
Oh wow, so my dad finally sent in the IDE drive that the Windows 7 installer butchered
Not sure if I noticed at the time, but it's only reading 32GB (despite being a 80GB drive)
I'm still flabergasted that the installer was that braindead
Also I /really/ need to stop assuming that MS has their shit together at all
(For those who missed it, or forgot) Basically dad wanted to upgrade his machine. Fresh Windows install, new drive for the OS, old install was XP on said IDE drive. New install was going to go on a SATA. Had both plugged in, started up the installer... installer only sees a 500GB (size of the SATA) drive, no partitions. Okay, guess I'll see the IDE drive in once in Windows proper... make new partition, format the drive, success. Can't see the new partition.
Okay... make new partition, format the drive. Can't see the new partition. Confused as hell. Start simplifying the install. Reboot with only the SATA. Make new partition, format drive. Success. Sees the partition, do install...
23:30 macdjord|wurk is now known as macdjord
Maybe it'd help them to not rewrite the entire thing from scratch every new version
--- Log closed Sat Sep 15 00:00:31 2018
code logs -> 2018 -> Fri, 14 Sep 2018< code.20180913.log - code.20180915.log >

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