code logs -> 2017 -> Sun, 09 Apr 2017< code.20170408.log - code.20170410.log >
--- Log opened Sun Apr 09 00:00:46 2017
Yeah that's what I meant
Yeah, that's a pretty powerful attack
00:29 * himi has just not seen anyone sane using a single-file mail spool in a long long time
00:29 * himi notes that using Exchange is not sane, so that isn't a valid counter-example
This is one reason why a lot of the AV stuff makes me cringe
< RchrdB>
You've seen sophail, right?
< RchrdB>
tl;dr AV products are written in unsafe programming languages, poorly
02:05 IRCFrEAK [] has joined #code
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05:19 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
Is that the "AV product runs service-level node.js server that will run anything told to at service-level privs" one?
06:06 * McMartin determines that RISC OS and C *really* do not get along, does a build of UQM for Raspbian instead, which works much better but still requires some shenaigans for reasons he's not clear on.
As long as I stick to framebuffer mode I can even use the expensive 2x scalers and I still peak at like 19% CPU usage.
What's RISC OS' primary low level language then?
I guess I should rephrase that "C" to "GCC"
It's a different C suite that it expects
GCC insists on files still being named foo.c and foo.h
which is great, except for the part where, on RISC OS, . is the path separator
So the gcc port insists on all C files living in a directory named "c" and all header files living in one named "h"
Instead of swapping . and / wherever they appear, which is what literally everything else that has to interoperate with POSIX or Windows does.
Including emulators that use native host filesystems, which also then add the metadata after a comma in the filename, which works approximately perfectly for something that is usually considered impossible to get right =P
There's a crossdev kit as well
However, it has not escaped my notice that most of the stuff *built* with that crossdev kit doesn't fuckin' work
I'm not sure how much of that is because ARMv8 is more hardcore about things like alignment and not dereferencing pointers in the zero page
RISC OS's level of abstraction is somewhere between Win3.1 and Win98, and as such memory protection is handled more by convention than by actually using the ARM's TLBs, I think.
Now, if only I could work out why Raspbian's version of ld objects to our build script's placement of -lm *and only* -lm.
And also either only on Debian or only on ARM, because it sure doesn't happen on x86 Ubuntu.
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My new widescreen is wider than I'd like for most purposes, and searching for advice turns up tips on how to change the resolution, which isn't what I want. How do I, and/or what is the *term* for, changing the display area to emulate a narrower screen if that's possible? So that the screen is like [320 unused column][1600x] instead of the current [1920x].
13:45 Jessikat [] has joined #code
Typically the way that's done is -- you change the resolution to a thing that's got the aspect ratio you want, and then set your monitor to not try to stretch the thing
13:58 * ErikMesoy eventually finds button to alter the thing, and is confronted with the result of someone skipping UI/UX day.
Dialog box with "Keep changes?" but the buttons are [Revert] and [Windows adjusted these settings to match your hardware capabilities]
I *infer* the second one is supposed to be "OK" and the explanation belongs in the dialog box, not the button. WTF.
<@ErikMesoy> isn't
both buttons revert
your monitor may insist on a particular aspect without the "don't try to stretch" setting
Wait, no, I spoke too soon. The [blah blah] button reverts, the [Revert] button *keeps changes*.
Bad labeling on one, outright lie on the other
Now I have changed the resolution from 1920x1080 to a nicer 1680x1050, because I can't pick custom resolution, which I am sympathetic to.
There are now black bars on each side of the screen, so the horizontal is resized. But the vertical is stretched, no black bars at the top and bottom.
I haven't even found a stretch setting yet, this was just its default behavior after altering resolution. THIS IS HOW YOU GET WARHAMMER. THIS IS HOW YOU GET FUCKING TECH-PRIESTS WORSHIPING MACHINE SPIRITS BECAUSE THE INTERNAL FUNCTION IS A MYSTERY.
that means it's actually stretched both directions but it did so consistently. might look ugly 'cause you have a scaling of 36:35
If by "ugly" you mean "microblurred", yes, former crisp lines now smear slightly.
They smear *both* horizontally and vertically though...?
That is the correct thing for it to do, because it wants to keep the same aspect ratio.
Well, as long as I don't play pixel art games, it should be fine. >_>
16:20 RchrdB [RchrdB@Nightstar-qe9.aug.187.81.IP] has joined #code
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--- Log closed Sun Apr 09 17:26:09 2017
--- Log opened Sun Apr 09 17:31:57 2017
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hooray unit tests they are my friends
< Jessikat>
naps are even better friends though.
< Jessikat>
Testimonial: I took a nap today and have not regretted it.
20:37 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
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--- Log closed Mon Apr 10 00:00:48 2017
code logs -> 2017 -> Sun, 09 Apr 2017< code.20170408.log - code.20170410.log >

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