code logs -> 2025 -> Thu, 30 Jan 2025< code.20250129.log - code.20250131.log >
--- Log opened Thu Jan 30 00:00:28 2025
01:12 Vornicus [] has quit [Connection closed]
02:18 Degi_ [] has joined #code
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< abudhabi>
Is there a way to allow a script sudo without having to type in the sudo password?
< abudhabi>
I have an annoyance in KVM in that sometimes the USB devices stop working, for which I've developed a script to reset USB. This works, but I have to use the integrated laptop keyboard and mouse to get that done, including typing in the sudo password.
< abudhabi>
I've turned it into a launcher button, but that still requires launching in terminal and input of the sudo password.
< abudhabi>
Less annoying than the gymnastics required to open up the terminal and find the script to run via the laptop hardware, but still.
abudhabi: one method is to do `chown root:root && chmod 4755`
If you want to tie it down more, you can do `chown root:yourgroup && chmod 4750`
That sets the setuid bit on the file, so when run it gets run as the file owner, no need for sudo.
< abudhabi>
The first method didn't work:
< abudhabi>
Not sure about the second, this user doesn't have its own generic group, but is member of a bunch of them.
Blegh. Well, alternative - in the sudoers file you can use `username ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/sbin/`
Then username can do `sudo /usr/local/sbin/` and should not be prompted for a pass
< abudhabi>
Hm. Are you sure the chown/chmod stuff actually worked for always running it as the owner? How can I verify that?
Oh, wait, it's a bash script - setuid won't work on those :/
I'd forgotten about that.
14:59 Vornicus [] has joined #code
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15:12 Kindamoody [] has joined #code
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23:03 Kindamoody [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
23:33 Vornicus [] has joined #code
23:33 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
--- Log closed Fri Jan 31 00:00:30 2025
code logs -> 2025 -> Thu, 30 Jan 2025< code.20250129.log - code.20250131.log >

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