code logs -> 2024 -> Mon, 23 Dec 2024< code.20241222.log - code.20241224.log >
--- Log opened Mon Dec 23 00:00:10 2024
00:49 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
03:13 Degi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
03:16 Degi [] has joined #code
10:27 gnolam [] has joined #code
10:27 mode/#code [+o gnolam] by ChanServ
12:41 Emmy [] has joined #code
14:35 Vornicus [] has joined #code
14:35 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
Well, at least it's only broken for niche use-cases…
…though, I guess it's not quite so niche, as anything involving statistical analysis could probably hit it…
Haven't read it, just seemed interesting enough to share, still in the process of going through it
only 18 1/2 years old
Oh wow, it's from 2006.
yeah this is an old classic issue
It's the thing that gets normal C programmers the maddest about standards nerds, too; they really, really hate that signed overflow is undefined behavior because assuming it makes modern optimizers go berzerk and do horrific things to their code
One of the things I'm quietly eyeing is the degree to which languages like Rust and Zig which enforce this *at runtime* change the overall culture.
(Another fun one vaguely in this range that came up on social media recently is that while integer division by zero is going to give you a numeric trap reliably, integer division by *negative one* can too because INT_MIN / -1 is out of range.)
But with that, I need to shut this machine down for the holidays. Happy hacking, folks.
20:46 McMartin [] has quit [[NS] Quit: It is the Holidays, and there is time for Klax]
21:44 gnolam [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Slep]
22:03 [R] [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
22:04 [R] [] has joined #code
22:04 mode/#code [+ao [R] [R]] by ChanServ
23:14 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
23:56 Vornicus [] has quit [Connection closed]
--- Log closed Tue Dec 24 00:00:12 2024
code logs -> 2024 -> Mon, 23 Dec 2024< code.20241222.log - code.20241224.log >

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