code logs -> 2024 -> Wed, 27 Nov 2024< code.20241126.log - code.20241128.log >
--- Log opened Wed Nov 27 00:00:25 2024
00:20 Vornicus [] has quit [Connection closed]
03:20 Degi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
03:24 Degi [] has joined #code
08:24 gnolam [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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< abudhabi>
Is there some kind of forcible method to make Excel interpret something as a number?
< abudhabi>
I have imported a bunch of stuff via power query from CSV, and I've got a column of either blanks or decimals.
< abudhabi>
Interpreted AS TEXT, of course, because Excel is being extremely dumb about it.
< abudhabi>
What's worse, the blanks aren't, somehow, blanks.
< abudhabi>
ISBLANK() returns false on them.
< abudhabi>
If I edit the value and just hit enter, it interprets a given cell as a number.
< abudhabi>
But I have about 20000 cells.
< abudhabi>
Is there some automated way to do this?
< abudhabi>
When I select the column, Excel doesn't give me the "convert the number" context button to press, even.
< abudhabi>
I have had this problem before, and I somehow managed to get around it, but I can't remember what it was.
12:19 Emmy [] has joined #code
< abudhabi>
Eventually managed it with search and replacing, which for some reason did identify empty cells correctly where isblank() did not.
< abudhabi>
Search+replace also make excel treat things as numbers. WTF.
< abudhabi>
s/".0"/"" -> and suddenly it's a number now.
Excel is a good way to have mass data corruption, it's baffling how popular it is given that
17:49 Lamb3 [] has quit [[NS] Quit: updates]
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22:57 Kimo|autojoin [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
23:05 himi [sjjf@Nightstar-o4k.pal.170.103.IP] has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
23:20 himi [sjjf@Nightstar-o4k.pal.170.103.IP] has joined #code
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23:58 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
--- Log closed Thu Nov 28 00:00:26 2024
code logs -> 2024 -> Wed, 27 Nov 2024< code.20241126.log - code.20241128.log >

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