code logs -> 2023 -> Thu, 14 Dec 2023< code.20231213.log - code.20231215.log >
--- Log opened Thu Dec 14 00:00:35 2023
01:10 panzerfaus [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
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08:25 himi [sjjf@Nightstar-o4k.pal.170.103.IP] has joined #code
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14:55 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
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Anyone else interested in decentralized storage? I mentioned that I have a MooseFS pool, but I'm looking at poking at a few other distributed storage systems. Mostly curious if there are any that someone here is interested at looking into that I'm unaware of, I'm going to be looking at: SeaweedFS, Kubo (IPFS), Zookeeper, Bookkeeper, Bob, Tra, Venti, and MinIO. Ceph and GlusterFS do not look all that interesting to me as I'm looking at more JBOD solutions.
Note: I'm specifically interested in network filesystems that can survive at least one server being down. Contrast something like NFS, CIFS/SMB, or diod where if the server you're talking to goes down, you can't access the files until it's back up.
(Might not have mentioned MooseFS here)
I have in the past poked at IPFS. It's not really a filesystem in the usual sense, though, it's a distributed content-addressed store. You can make it behave like a filesystem, kind of, but it's awkward.
That's fine, venti isn't a FS either :p
I'm not familiar with any of the others except Ceph and Gluster, neither of which I've actually used.
Fair, I've been kind of hoovering links up to eventually look into
(all of my previous experimentation with distributed storage has inevitably ended up back at either network drives on a central server using sshfs/nfs/smb, or full replication to all nodes using syncthing)
22:35 himi [sjjf@Nightstar-o4k.pal.170.103.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
Fair enough
I was doing something like that for a while
But it gets frustrating
In my experience it works quite well, the biggest issue is that syncthing's multiuser support just doesn't exist
So if you want to run multiple syncthings for different users on the same node, that's possible, but it's a pain in the ass
Yeah, I was using syncthing for stuff at my last job, worked great, but that was only with one user
22:59 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
You end up having to either run a separate daemon for each user listening on a different port, or run syncthing as root and don't let end users configure their shares at all
--- Log closed Fri Dec 15 00:00:36 2023
code logs -> 2023 -> Thu, 14 Dec 2023< code.20231213.log - code.20231215.log >

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