code logs -> 2021 -> Wed, 29 Dec 2021< code.20211228.log - code.20211230.log >
--- Log opened Wed Dec 29 00:00:51 2021
I love how git hooks receive critical information via stdin
Makes scripting so easy /s
01:13 Degi_ [] has joined #code
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Ah, Rust
Static monomorphization is all fun and games until your function has a potential return type of Filter<Flatten<Map<Flatten<Map<Flatten<Map<Flatten<Map<Flatten<Map<std::vec::IntoIter<MyActualType>>>>>>>>>>>>
Fortunately this function was only called from one place, so I can inline it.
(Which is also good because calling collect() before that function returned introduces a 10x slowdown!)
what the hell are you doing
< abudhabi_>
Flattening maps.
chaining a lot of calls of map(), flatten(), and filter().
And since it's strongly typed all the way down, every call to map or filter or reduce or flatten or whatever yields a new type that takes the previous type as its type argument.
There's not really such a thing as "returns an object of unknown type but it implements this API" in Rust. The closest you get is "returns a freshly heap-allocated pointer to same", which is usually not what you'd want.
I suspect the reason that there's such a dramatic speedup is that the flattening operation never actually *happens to a data structure* in the resulting code
Instead it's basically setting up a tree-like data structure at compile-time and then it fills it in and traverses it at runtime.
Also I'm... not sure if there's an easier way to do this
But I turned a Vec<Option<T>> into a Vec<T> via|c| c.into_iter()).flatten().collect()
what's flatten do
...that does look like something that should be easier to do
flatten, when applied to arrays, turns [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]] into [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
So for an iterator of iterators, it does something similar.
...that is a lot of fucking flattens what are you *doing*
Day 22b in AoC this year~
I have an operation that divides objects into halves, and I want to do this up to 6 times, and the divided objects need to each be divided by later steps.
oh I see
I have just been informed that there's a flat_map() method that combines the map() and flatten() calls.
and "there should be an easier way"... filter_map is the easier way
21:23 catalyst_ [] has joined #code
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McMartin: In fairness, I am all too often getting similar strings in MSQL when trying to do type conversions >_>
22:13 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Connection closed]
23:01 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
As for the better way... the functional programming guys are potentially wrong and maybe big chains of map/reduce statements *aren't* so much the way to go for data sets that fit in the RAM of a single process~
Rewriting it in C with a single, brain-dead, mutable linked list would be a fun comparison.
But... the map/reduce version is running in 650ms now which is generally Good Enough For Me
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--- Log closed Thu Dec 30 00:00:52 2021
code logs -> 2021 -> Wed, 29 Dec 2021< code.20211228.log - code.20211230.log >

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