code logs -> 2018 -> Tue, 13 Nov 2018< code.20181112.log - code.20181114.log >
--- Log opened Tue Nov 13 00:00:13 2018
00:39 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
01:03 Degi [] has quit [Connection closed]
01:08 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
01:18 celmin|away is now known as celticminstrel
02:22 Emmy [] has joined #code
02:28 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
03:29 celticminstrel is now known as celmin|sleep
03:58 VirusJTG [VirusJTG@Nightstar-42s.jso.104.208.IP] has quit [[NS] Quit: Leaving]
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04:16 mode/#code [+ao VirusJTG VirusJTG] by ChanServ
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04:57 himi [] has quit [Operation timed out]
05:22 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
06:52 macdjord is now known as macdjord|slep
< simon_>
my five highest voted StackOverflow languages are for four different programming languages and compiler theory. :D
< simon_>
07:58 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
07:58 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
08:27 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
09:08 himi [] has joined #code
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09:19 Degi [] has joined #code
09:19 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|out
10:28 Degi [] has quit [Connection closed]
11:57 Emmy [] has joined #code
13:21 celmin|sleep is now known as celmin|away
14:20 macdjord|slep is now known as macdjord|wurk
16:24 Degi [] has joined #code
Today in the Mysterious Adventure of the Disagreeing Databases, I have catalogued three kinds of error.
The first is the Plain Fuckup error, such as when the one database has an onion listed under "Dairy products". This is just wrong.
The second is the Maybe If You Squint error, in particular I'm thinking of an inventory tracker for three cans of cooking fat(grease? lube? unsure of translation) which were actually two cans of cooking fat and one can of liver paste. Well, it's greasy and squishy and can be used in cooking, but I wouldn't make pancakes in liver paste.
And the third is the Deeply Sympathetic, Philosophically Agreeable error where I feel with the poor data enterers having to deal with the problem: for example, the question of whether some vanilla cream should be filed under "cooking ingredients" or "dessert products".
"cooking fat" is the right term
well, the general term
Ah yes, databases are the field where hapless clerical schlubs get five thousand years of abstruse philosophical debate on the nature of meaning dumped directly into their inbox
Nono, that's when it becomes "Ontologies"~
One of the few bits of CS jargon borrowed from those five thousand years of philosophical debate that's actually being used mostly correctly
18:26 M-E [] has joined #code
18:28 Emmy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
(In similar news, I once used the term 'reify' correctly and shocked some philosophers)
Along similar lines, a good deal of workplace discussion was engendered by noticing that grapes were filed under "fruit" in the inventory. "Isn't fruit supposed to be things that grow on trees?"
Someone cited Wikipedia to show that grapes are in fact berries. Someone else looked at that Wikipedia definition and apparently the botanical-technical definition in question includes cucumbers as berries. This is roundly rejected as entirely contrary to sensible usage.
18:55 Kindamoody|out is now known as Kindamoody
McMartin: it pleases me greatly whenever I get to use (reify) in code
ErikMesoy: This is one of those things like "tomatoes are fruits and hibiscus isn't a flower" where botanists are using what things actually are as opposed to what they look like to fifteenth-century peasants and adventurers
McMartin: I think saying "what things actually are" is begging the question since that's defined in large part by those same botanists, and that should read something like "using cladistics" instead.
"Cladistics", alas, is techspeak for something entirely different~
But yes, at the end of the day, this like asking a lawyer and an economist to define "demand" and then expecting to get the same answer
Nice one.
Ah yes, the whole botanical definition pedantry thing. Where people redefine words in common use for 1000+ years within their narrow field sometime in the last 100, and then claim that they are correct and all the other people are wrong.
The traditional solution is to use the 1000+ year word in Latin instead
("Calyx", for the hibiscus !flower)
(And if your reaction to that is "the calices aren't the flower" this is why there is a problem, yes)
(But yes, let's be clear that,_AP_W_IMG_9075.jpg is not the bit you make the tea from)
See also: "dinosaur".
Yeah, I have no real objection to birds being dinosaurs or indeed to the Dimetrodon not being one.
That also said, to the original example
"berry" is a subclass of "fruit"
20:56 macdjord [] has joined #code
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22:27 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
23:22 M-E [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
23:25 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
23:43 Degi [] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
< Mahal>
anyone available to help me puzzle my way through a regex?
23:49 VirusJTG [VirusJTG@Nightstar-42s.jso.104.208.IP] has quit [[NS] Quit: Leaving]
23:53 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
23:53 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
< Mahal>
I realised I was being an idito.
--- Log closed Wed Nov 14 00:00:14 2018
code logs -> 2018 -> Tue, 13 Nov 2018< code.20181112.log - code.20181114.log >

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