code logs -> 2018 -> Thu, 08 Nov 2018< code.20181107.log - code.20181109.log >
--- Log opened Thu Nov 08 00:00:06 2018
00:04 Kindamoody|afk is now known as Kindamoody
00:10 Degi [] has quit [Connection closed]
00:53 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
01:03 celmin|Zzzzzz is now known as celticminstrel
01:16 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
03:10 celticminstrel is now known as celmin|sleep
abudhabi: Those converters work just fine - for laptop power bricks, which accept a huge range of voltages anyway. For anything else, you will /always/ need an actual transformer, which is never going to fit into a plug adaptor.
I always thought those bricks *were* transformers.
So if the sales guy told you it would convert the voltage, he was lying, but if you asked if the /thing they were selling you/ was okay with the different voltage, then yes, it was, and making sure that the equipment you plugged into it could handle the voltage was your responsibility.
McMartin: They are, but AIUI the only reason they can be so small is because they output only as much wattage as the laptop needs; an actual 220V*15A -> 11V*15A transformer is a much larger and heavier deal.
03:45 * McMartin nods
This is also why power chords for, say, cellphones can be smaller still - small enough they /can/ be built into the plug-end unit.
erm, s/chords/cords/
Wall warts
Though, you know, given the coding music we use, I imagine some power chords are involved at some point
(This is /also/, I believe, the determining factor in how thick the cable has to be, which is why wall-to-brick cord > brick-to-laptop cord > wall-wart-to-phone cord.)
03:55 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
03:55 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
03:55 * macdjord ponders
I have a building toy. One of the pieces is a rod with a joint at one end and a socket at the other, such that the ends of two rods can be attached to each other at right angles. However, the socket is set up such that, if you attach 3 rods in a chain, the first rod will always be at an angle of +/- 45 or 135 degrees to the 3rd.
Using only these rods, can I make a closed loop?
I'm bad at visualizing, I think I need to actually see the toy in question.
I ALSO need to go to bed, unfortunately, but I MAY be able to look in in the morning. >_>
Alek: First rod: |
Second rod is a attached to the bottom of the first, pointing directly out of the screen
Third rod: |/
With most building toys, the third rod would be at 90 drgrees to the first: |_
Well, if you're only limited to 3 rods, probably not. you'd need a lot more rods to do it but eventually it should be possible. how many is a question I'm not able to answer at this time.
Alek: Unlimited number of rods. But I'm not sure if you /can/ get bac where you started, or if you end up with an irrational numbers thing where you can get arbitrarily close (given enough rods) but never actually /equal/
8 rods
wait, hang on
16 rods
Vornicus: 16 rods, I think you mean - 1 vertical one at each cover - but yeah, that works.
Tinker Toys have... ten link points?
Vornicus: Wait, no, doesn't work. Two subsequent vertical rods would be parallel, instead of at an angle to each other.
Okay hang on some more
05:07 himi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
05:09 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Operation timed out]
05:15 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
06:18 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
06:18 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
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07:12 himi [] has joined #code
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07:24 Kindamoody[zZz] [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
08:44 Degi [] has joined #code
09:34 Degi [] has quit [Connection closed]
macdjord: I showed him the very thing it was supposed to work with.
Belatedly: Fairly sure most modern laptop & phone chargers are switch-mode supplies anyway, which means they can get away with a pretty small transformer because it's not having to work at 50~60Hz but at somewhere more like 10~kHz
Writing documentation. Whoo!
You might get capacitive droppers in really shit ones >.>
Yeah. :/
11:01 Emmy [] has joined #code
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11:32 mode/#code [+o Kindamoody|autojoin] by ChanServ
11:33 Kindamoody|autojoin is now known as Kindamoody
octagon should work. 8 vertical, 4 lower rods, 4 higher rods.
oh. wait. you're right.
forgot that.
13:08 Vornicus [Vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
13:08 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
13:38 celmin|sleep is now known as celmin|away
14:30 macdjord is now known as macdjord|wurk
16:53 Vorntastic [] has quit [Operation timed out]
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16:53 Pi [] has quit [Operation timed out]
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21:04 Degi [] has joined #code
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23:26 Degi [] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
--- Log closed Fri Nov 09 00:00:07 2018
code logs -> 2018 -> Thu, 08 Nov 2018< code.20181107.log - code.20181109.log >

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