code logs -> 2014 -> Tue, 28 Jan 2014< code.20140127.log - code.20140129.log >
--- Log opened Tue Jan 28 00:00:54 2014
00:24 You're now known as TheWatcher[T-2]
00:27 VirusJTG [] has joined #code
00:31 You're now known as TheWatcher[zZzZ]
00:50 himi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
01:00 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
01:23 Turaiel is now known as Turaiel[Offline]
01:40 Xon [Xon@Nightstar-j72.ku7.252.119.IP] has quit [[NS] Quit: ]
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03:15 thalass [] has quit [[NS] Quit: from Hoth to Tattooine in 36 hours]
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04:08 VirusJTG [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Program Shutting down]
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05:05 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
05:32 RichyB [RichyB@Nightstar-c6u.vd5.170.83.IP] has quit [[NS] Quit: Gone.]
05:35 RichyB [RichyB@Nightstar-c6u.vd5.170.83.IP] has joined #code
05:38 Turaiel[Offline] is now known as Turaiel
06:00 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
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07:01 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: And lo! The computer falls into a deep sleep, to awake again some other day!]
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07:28 Turaiel is now known as Turaiel[Offline]
07:59 AverageJoe [] has joined #code
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08:29 Syka [the@Nightstar-7k6.92b.131.1.IP] has joined #code
--- Log closed Tue Jan 28 08:50:26 2014
--- Log opened Tue Jan 28 08:50:35 2014
08:50 TheWatcher[zZzZ] [] has joined #code
08:50 Irssi: #code: Total of 37 nicks [15 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 22 normal]
08:50 mode/#code [+o TheWatcher[zZzZ]] by ChanServ
08:51 Irssi: Join to #code was synced in 39 secs
09:06 Syka [the@Nightstar-7k6.92b.131.1.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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09:17 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|afk
09:31 You're now known as TheWatcher
09:53 Kindamoody|afk is now known as Kindamoody
10:26 Syka [the@Nightstar-7k6.92b.131.1.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
Remind me, how do I inspect the contents of a package in Aptitude?
Show just gives me descriptive information
I want to know what binaries a package has.
you don't use aptitude, but dpkg
dpkg --listfiles <package>
Or "apt-file list <package name>" if you don't have the .deb handy.
dpkg doesn't need the deb
(You might need to install apt-file first.)
I wasn't aware of apt-file though
another thing learned
(dpkg does require that the package is installed, though. either that OR the deb)
10:53 Syka [the@Nightstar-7k6.92b.131.1.IP] has joined #code
Okay. So. My diss involves patching some (existing) firmware for an Arduino Microcontroller to add a feature. I have the upstream code compiling on my laptop into a .hex file.
What I really need to know are what're my options for testing?
Unfortunately the person I could really do with talking in my department is off this week because of a bereavement.
And I could do with some direction :/
11:32 Vornotron [] has joined #code
11:34 Vornicus [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
Okay. Nm. I think I found what I need on StackOverflow.
11:39 Syloq [Syloq@Nightstar-mbk.c3p.254.173.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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11:55 VirusJTG [] has joined #code
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12:16 VirusJTG_ [VirusJTG@Nightstar-lsl.j5i.46.174.IP] has joined #code
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12:20 Syka [the@Nightstar-7k6.92b.131.1.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
I just learned about today
this is amazing!
I didn't know there was a field of study dedicated to real-time "version control"
12:29 Syloq [Syloq@Nightstar-mbk.c3p.254.173.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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12:31 Syka [the@Nightstar-7k6.92b.131.1.IP] has joined #code
simon_, it's how collaborative editors work. :)
12:34 Syloq [Syloq@Nightstar-mbk.c3p.254.173.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
RichyB, yeah :)
Also might be interesting, the CRDT papers.
12:34 VirusJTG__ [] has joined #code
CRDT papers?
ah, Consistency Without Concurrency Control
CRDTs are Convergent Replicated Data Types. Fancy name for "data structure which behaves like sets with the union operator".
Yesh, that one.
12:35 * simon_ is ashamed to admit that those papers were extra-curricular in his last course, and he didn't read them.
I have yet to get around to reading those.
Anyway. It's not quite the same thing as OT (I think that you get different user-visible behaviour around nearby-edits) but they sound easier to implement.
*Commutative* Replicated Data Type
I've never heard about the formalisation of OT before now.
12:38 VirusJTG_ [VirusJTG@Nightstar-lsl.j5i.46.174.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
I read this interview with one of the founders (I waste too much time reading start-up fan-fiction) about using OT on CodeCombat, since apparently they have a multiplayer version, too.
using commutativity is great.
I think that's how you parallelize reduce(), too?
12:42 Syloq [Syloq@Nightstar-mbk.c3p.254.173.IP] has joined #code
12:42 mode/#code [+o Syloq] by ChanServ
<@simon_> -- apparently one of the collaborative text editing algorithms that the CRDT article refers to defines an algorithm called WOOT :P
that sentence mangled up.
12:48 Syloq [Syloq@Nightstar-mbk.c3p.254.173.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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12:50 mode/#code [+o Syloq] by ChanServ
simon_, IIRC the paper uses "convergent" rather than "commutative"
simon_, because commutativity and associativity aren't quite enough. You also need idempotence.
You can parallelize reduce() with just associativity, but it's easier if you have commutativity, too.
(with idempotence: you can safely apply the same edit twice)
(without idempotence: you need to someow track whether you've applied this edit or not. Boo, hiss.)
12:59 Syloq [Syloq@Nightstar-mbk.c3p.254.173.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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13:09 mode/#code [+o Syloq] by ChanServ
< abudhabi_>
Has the docx encryption been broken yet or is it safe enough for now?
< Syka>
"[In] Office 2010 when you encrypt Open XML Format files (.docx, .xslx, .pptx, and so on) the default values [are] â AES, 128-bit key length, SHA1, and CBC."
< Syka>
128-bit AES?
< Syka>
eh, good enough, probably
< Syka>
abudhabi_: certainly enough to keep a casual attacker out
13:19 Syloq [Syloq@Nightstar-mbk.c3p.254.173.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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13:19 mode/#code [+o Syloq] by ChanServ
aes-128-cbc is, unless you do something stupid like leaving a copy of your key lying around, probably not going to be brute-forceable with all of the computers that humanity will ever build.
< Syka>
neither is many things
< Syka>
but it's vulnerable to weak passwords (dictionary attacks!)
13:23 Syloq [Syloq@Nightstar-mbk.c3p.254.173.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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13:24 mode/#code [+o Syloq] by ChanServ
The question isn't usually "what is the theoretical strength of the encryption algorithm used?" but rather "is it implemented correctly?".
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RichyB, oh! thanks for clarifying that.
gnolam, with a handful of notable recent breaks
13:36 Red_Queen [] has quit [Connection closed]
13:36 * Syka pokes at google jobs idly
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13:56 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|out
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14:09 Shemhazai [] has quit [[NS] Quit: If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.]
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23:54 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
--- Log closed Wed Jan 29 00:00:10 2014
code logs -> 2014 -> Tue, 28 Jan 2014< code.20140127.log - code.20140129.log >

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