code logs -> 2013 -> Fri, 21 Jun 2013< code.20130620.log - code.20130622.log >
--- Log opened Fri Jun 21 00:00:58 2013
00:03 gnolam_ [] has joined #code
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00:35 himi [fow035@D741F1.243F35.CADC30.81D435] has joined #code
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00:41 jeff [NSwebIRC@2D9871.A95144.98F7FE.1228CF] has joined #code
00:45 You're now known as TheWatcher[zZzZ]
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00:55 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: KABOOM! It seems that I have exploded. Please wait while I reinstall the universe.]
02:32 RichyB [RichyB@D553D1.68E9F7.02BB7C.3AF784] has quit [[NS] Quit: Gone.]
02:35 RichyB [RichyB@D553D1.68E9F7.02BB7C.3AF784] has joined #code
03:11 gnolam [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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03:13 mode/#code [+o gnolam] by ChanServ
Ha ha ha
03:24 * McMartin looks up red-black trees on wiki.
"The color "red" was chosen for the name because it was the best-looking color produced by the color laser printer available to the authors while working at Xerox PARC.[4]"
< JBeshir>
03:26 celticminstrel [] has joined #code
03:26 mode/#code [+o celticminstrel] by ChanServ
< ktemkin>
I am currently coding to the worst coding standards I've ever been forced to work with.
A pity
< ktemkin>
Variable names are all lowercase, underscores not allowed, prioritzed for brevity over readability.
In which "Push It" becomes "P.U, Shit"
< ktemkin>
Not to mention that their unit tests all look like this: test.php
Oh dear. You're hacking Moodle?
You may have some commiserators here~
< ktemkin>
I am unfortunately a "contributing developer" for Moodle; a position which I have recieved because I keep running into core bugs and having to fix them myself.
< ktemkin>
The whole thing is very shoddily written.
< JBeshir>
< JBeshir>
I see vulnerabilities for it reported fairly often.
< ktemkin>
(I teach at a large university; and it was either that or Blackboard. Incidentally, we have 15k students and _one oracle database_ for blackboard.)
< JBeshir>
I've heard terrible things about Blackboard.
03:41 Turaiel[MARC] is now known as Turaiel
ktemkin: Yeah, I think our other moodler is another University sort
I've definitely heard rantings >_>
< ktemkin>
The worst part is having to spend so much time working with PHP.
< ktemkin>
I really dislike PHP.
High five sir
or ma'am, whichever
03:44 * ktemkin high fives (and is male).
I don't actually recognize your nick, so, if you're new here and not just using a handle I don't recognize, welcome to #code
03:46 VirusJTG [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Program Shutting down]
< ktemkin>
Thanks; I am indeed new.
03:51 Turaiel is now known as Turaiel[MARC]
< ktemkin>
Honestly, it would be nice if the core devs would just /document/ anything. If you're not going to allow readable variable names, at least take the time to tell me what your methods are doing.
ktemkin: having worked with both, for all of Moodle's issues, it is orders of magnitude better than Blackboard.
< ktemkin>
I haven't spent a lot of time with Bb's backend; but at least I can /change/ the things that irritate me when using Moodle.
< ktemkin>
That and the fact that Blackboard's core workflow requires an absurd amount of clicks to do anything.
BB's backend is, by all accounts, a massive clusterfuck made by a team that routinely ignores bug reports, and the frontend will have your students burning shit down.
< ktemkin>
I have had to teach using it before. It really says something that most of our CS/Engineering professors prefer manually editing HTML to using it to distribute coursework.
< ktemkin>
When we got a grant to create a few online-only courses, I decided that it was time to find anything but Blackboard.
04:03 Turaiel[MARC] is now known as Turaiel
< ktemkin>
Since then, I'm sure some better LMSs have become open-source. I've been curious as to how Canvas is-- it's very much appealing that it's Ruby/CoffeeScript based.
< ktemkin>
But now I have two years of existing effort already put into writing custom Moodle plugins.
It might be worth seeing if these newer, better LMSs can mimic the features of the plugins out of the box~
< ktemkin>
It's very, very unlikely. A lot of these are custom question types that are tied to the courses I teach; for example, I have a set of JS-based gate-wiring question types for a digital logic class.
< ktemkin>
I also have things like a QR-based "check off" question type which allows an instructor to mark a lab demo as acceptable by pointing his/her phone at a QR code on the student's screen. I think it's unlikely that any other LMS has implemented a feature like that.
04:15 Turaiel is now known as Turaiel[MARC]
04:16 Turaiel[MARC] is now known as Turaiel
That's kind of neat
< Syka>
ktemkin: lo
< Syka>
lol moodle
< Syka>
as a west australian, i am sorry for moodle
< ktemkin>
It's Moodle's fault I spell behaviour with a 'u', now.
04:39 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
04:42 VirusJTG [] has joined #code
< Syka>
ktemkin: you mean the correct way? :P
04:59 Reiv [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
--- Log closed Fri Jun 21 05:10:41 2013
--- Log opened Fri Jun 21 05:17:56 2013
05:17 TheWatcher[zZzZ] [] has joined #code
05:17 Irssi: #code: Total of 36 nicks [16 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 20 normal]
05:17 mode/#code [+o TheWatcher[zZzZ]] by ChanServ
05:18 Irssi: Join to #code was synced in 38 secs
05:28 Reiv [] has joined #code
05:28 mode/#code [+o Reiv] by ChanServ
05:31 VirusJTG [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Program Shutting down]
05:32 Turaiel is now known as Turaiel[MARC]
05:32 Vornicus [vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
05:32 mode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by ChanServ
05:39 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
06:20 AverageJoe [] has joined #code
< ktemkin>
Of course. I spend an hour trying to figure out why this unit test is failing, and it turns out there's a part of the testing integration codebase that's /silently not yet implemented/.
< ktemkin>
Which would have taken less than an hour to find if it wasn't buried under a whole /twelve levels of indirection/ across five 1500+ SLOC files.
< ktemkin>
The "workaround" that the core devs have been using to avoid that not-implemented spot? They just /don't unit test the parts that need that/.
07:00 * ktemkin froths.
< AverageJoe>
damn bro
< AverageJoe>
that sucks
< McMartin>
07:14 himi [fow035@D741F1.243F35.CADC30.81D435] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
07:19 celticminstrel [] has quit [[NS] Quit: And lo! The computer falls into a deep sleep, to awake again some other day!]
08:44 AverageJoe [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Leaving]
09:18 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|out
09:58 You're now known as TheWatcher
10:31 himi [] has joined #code
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10:42 * TheWatcher readsup
ktemkin: as someone who has to run, maintain, and occasionally hack on Moodle; my sincere sympathies.
With only a very few exceptions, it really is a godawful shitpile of hideous code. And yet it's still better than the competition in most cases.
< ktemkin>
That's the worst part, I think: there's not an easily available alternative.
Yeah, we tried a lot of different options, moodle was the only one that consistently did close enough to what we needed.
< ktemkin>
It seems like they're really trying to get better, but unfortunately their improvement process involves adding a lot of bureaucracy and focusing on generality of the code.
(that said, part of a project started last year, I've actually been writing a new system from scratch. No idea if it'll ever see the light of day, though)
< ktemkin>
I tried that, once. I go mired on generality and a good security model that it almost seemed worth it to let other people scramble around if there's a security issue.
< ktemkin>
*so mired
< ktemkin>
Though Moodle seems to generate a ton of security issues on its own.
< ktemkin>
I guess that shouldn't be a surprise, really: Moodle has a ton of "moving pieces".
And crap coding standards
(And PHP, but hey)
(could be worse. Could be Java)
< ktemkin>
If you submit a quiz question, it's actually processed by Question Usage by Activity which in turn calls a Question Attempt, which in turn calls a Question Behavior which in turn calls a Question Type which grades the response.
10:52 VirusJTG [] has joined #code
(I hacked on Bodington for a good while back in the day, dear Gods that was horrible)
< ktemkin>
They've tried to use the Principle of Least Knowledge to make it so none of those pieces know anything about each other; but they've also not documented any of the APIs; so it's hard to get things to work via their recommended workflows, and impossible to do certain things without modifying the core code.
10:54 * TheWatcher eyes his patches
No kidding >.<
< ktemkin>
It's this really weird juxtaposition of a dynamic language with Java-like abstract classes and interfaces.
< ktemkin>
It's like half the time they want to be really structured and abstract, and then they'll go and force you to do certain things by querying the database.
I think a lot is down to having so many cooks in the kitchen, and historically very poor central control
Lots of contributors work, provided that you have an effective BDFL or central group that Knows What They're Doing
And Dougiamas has never struck me as being particularly effective... although at least he isn't a self-taught Java programmer with a biology background *eyes John Maber*
< RichyB>
I think that it works well if you have a really good vision document and some guidelines about what future code should look and feel like, too.
And someone to enforce them
< ktemkin>
I think a huge part of the problem is that PHP doesn't really have an associated coding style or culture.
< ktemkin>
PHP tries to be all over the place, and really just manages to be a mess.
< ktemkin>
If you want to write a PHP application and have it not mirror the language (i.e. be terrible), you have to force your team to adopt a set of paradigms.
< ktemkin>
Compare that to most projects written in languages like Ruby or Python-- where the languages themselves are associated with a coding style and culture.
< RichyB>
Ruby has an associated coding style?
< ktemkin>
RichyB: Very duck typed, preference for functional solutions, lots of small functions, Don't Repeat Yourself
Eeeh, well
Nothing to stop you writing and enforcing your own style guide
< RichyB>
Good culture, then.
< ktemkin>
Which Moodle did, and god is it awful:
< ktemkin>
I see no reason to have variable names like "numresponses"
11:13 Chutzpah [Moltare@583787.FF2A18.190FE2.4D81A1] has joined #code
< ktemkin>
One of the things I took away from the time I spent working with a lot of Ruby/Python was a tendency to use variable names as documentation; which they pretty much prohibit.
< ktemkin>
I'd much prefer "responses_to_delete" or "to_delete" to a name like "todel".
< ktemkin>
Because they prioritize brevity and don't allow word separation, you actually do get things like "todel"-- which takes me a few seconds to parse correctly.
< RichyB>
I like PEP8.
< RichyB>
It encourages underscore_separated_lowercase_variable_identifiers.
(and approximately that verbose, when you need it...)
< ktemkin>
Better a verbose variable name that makes it so you don't need comments.
< ktemkin>
Code does tend to be written once and read/debugged many times.
< RichyB>
I prefer narrative comments to variable names longer than three words.
< RichyB>
(You have a 4+ word identifier -> you're trying to write entire sentences in your variable names -> please don't.)
< ktemkin>
Grepping through my old code, the longest identifier I seem to have written is exactly four words: "pad_to_chain_length", a keyword-argument for a JTAG library.
< RichyB>
Okay, I'll make that cutoff five words. :)
< ktemkin>
Probably the most sane part of PEP8 is "don't blindly follow convention".
< ktemkin>
When convention seems to make things worse, rather than better, it may be a good idea to ignore it.
11:38 Syloq [Syloq@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
11:38 SyloqAgain [Syloq@B4EC54.59F324.016BDA.8CB0A3] has joined #code
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12:23 cpux [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Well, most things get better when I kick them!]
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13:22 ktemkin is now known as ktemkin[awol]
13:28 Kindamoody|out is now known as Kindamoody
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22:52 Turaiel is now known as Tur|SortaMARC
23:09 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
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23:55 Tur|SortaMARC is now known as Turaiel[MARC]
--- Log closed Sat Jun 22 00:00:13 2013
code logs -> 2013 -> Fri, 21 Jun 2013< code.20130620.log - code.20130622.log >

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