code logs -> 2011 -> Wed, 14 Dec 2011< code.20111213.log - code.20111215.log >
--- Log opened Wed Dec 14 00:00:48 2011
< Reiver>
Android apps/settings query: Is it possible to have the phone rigged to talk to WiFi #1 first, Wifi #2 second, Cellphone third?
00:10 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
00:15 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
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00:30 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
00:32 Lingerance [] has joined #code
00:48 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
00:59 gnolam [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Z?]
01:00 gnolam [] has joined #code
< Eri>
I wish, but I've had no luck finding that option
< Eri>
Maybe there's some kind of a connection manager app?
< Reiver>
It would be good indeed if there was...
< Reiver>
I shall have to investigate, I suppose
< Reiver>
(Query: Once you're on WiFi, does it stick internet through there automatically, at least?)
< Eri>
< celticminstrel>
You're assuming the WiFi has internet. :P
< Eri>
I think it still tries, and fails
< Eri>
I know that mine connects to wifi, and just sits if I haven't authenticated at the school
< Eri>
That may be the college's network doing something stupid, though
< Reiver>
celticminstrel: For the purposes of this discussion, I am making that assumption, yes.
01:12 * Reiver is trying to figure out how best to rig smartphones to use Cellular Broadband as little as leeging possible
< Reiver>
My three options are connected to the home wifi, for 20gig/mo; university/city centre wifi, for $10/GB; and finally cellular broadband... for $10/mb.
< Reiver>
You see my concern. ??
< Reiver>
(Well, $1/mb once I rig it, but still suck)
01:15 * gnolam ouches at Reiver's caps.
< Reiver>
The home connection isn't too bad - it does include unmetered bandwidth from 4-8AM so none of that really counts the Big Stuff downloads.
< Reiver>
It means we have to wait 'till tomorrow' for big things, but hell I grew up on broadband I used to put up with 'till next week' :P
01:17 gnolam [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Z?]
< sshine_>
you grew up on broadband?
01:22 sshine_ is now known as sshine
< sshine>
I grew up with 56k and ISDN.
01:24<~Vornicus> euler 44. Okay, let's fight with this thing a while.
< Reiver>
< Reiver>
< Reiver>
A word so terrifying my brain autocorrected~
01:26 * Reiver grew up with 28.8, but that was mostly the fault of rural dialup sucking. Gorram kids in the city with their fancypants 56k connections...
01:27 * Vornicus grew up with 14.4, then got broadband, skipping the 56k
< Derakon>
I remember 9.6k being an upgrade.
01:29 * Alek got his first internet-capable computer in 99. with a 56k modem.
01:52 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
01:56 Attilla [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
02:25 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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03:05 Alek [] has quit [[NS] Quit: ni]
03:30 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
03:43 Stalker [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
03:46 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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03:54 Derakon[AFK] is now known as Derakon
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04:15 Thaqui [Thaqui@27B34E.D54D49.F53FA1.6A113C] has joined #code
04:25 * Vornicus fiddles with various possible thingies. Hm...
< Eri>
Eigh~, that's not the stick shift
04:48 eckse [] has joined #code
05:07 * Vornicus baps Eri
< Eri>
I realized after the fact that you guys probably don't share the same sense of humour as the guys in DP
< Eri>
But it was already too late
05:12<~Vornicus> This math, it is not working.
05:13 AnnoDomini [] has joined #code
05:14<~Vornicus> (I know that I need the smallest pentagonal number n such that there exist a pentagonal number k such that n, n+k, and n+2k are all pentagonal numbers. That's... all the progress i've made.)
< Eri>
Project Euler?
05:15<~Vornicus> Problem #44.
05:16<~Vornicus> My current code is 1. the most spaghetti-tastic code I have ever had the displeasure of seeing in python, never mind that I wrote it, and 2. I don't remember how it works.
05:16<~Vornicus> oh, and 3. still really slow.
< AnnoDomini>
(Brute Force Everything!)
05:18<~Vornicus> That and a knowledge of binary search in an infinite space got me where I am. I am not eager to try that again.
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05:47 PinkFreud [WhyNot@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
05:49 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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06:03 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
06:05 Reivles [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
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06:25 Syloqs-AFH [Syloq@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
06:33 Derakon is now known as Derakon[AFK]
06:44 Thaqui [Thaqui@27B34E.D54D49.F53FA1.6A113C] has quit [Connection closed]
07:06 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
< jerith>
< jerith>
Vornicus: My solution in Erlang isn't that big.
< jerith>
I have a somewhat opaque is_pent() function, though.
< jerith>
Vornicus: Also, you may get a speed boost from using pypy instead of cpython.
07:32<~Vornicus> 414 wins
07:34<~Vornicus> also 500.
< jerith>
My solution for 44 only takes about four seconds to run.
< jerith>
I don't really follow my solution, but that's possibly because I've forgotten most of my Erlang.
07:42<~Vornicus> On mine it is the second longest problem (after the absolutely deadly 60, though I suspect that's more to do with the fact that I'm doing a large number of prime tests instead of seiving and membership...), and I have no fucking idea how my code works at all.
07:45<~Vornicus> I'm not sure at the moment how I am to reject a particular n -- I don't see a sensible upper limit on k.
< jerith>
Vornicus: Here's my algorithm, if you want to look at it:
< jerith>
Looks like I reverse the pentagonal number function to solve for N and then check that it's an integer.
08:03 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|out
< jerith>
Or something.
08:06<~Vornicus> I don't understand erlang at all.
< jerith>
The syntax is... eclectic.
08:08 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
08:09<~Vornicus> hng. No, I don't see how I can limit k for a given n, but obviously I succeeded at it once.
08:09<~Vornicus> Why didn't I write comments describing my solution in the first place?
< jerith>
Because you're like me?
< jerith>
Looks like I generate pentagonal numbersa and keep them in a biggest-first list.
< jerith>
I also keep track of the smallest difference I've seen and bail when the smallest possible difference between the next two pentagonal numbers is greater than the smallest I've found. I think.
08:44 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
08:52 Attilla [] has joined #code
< jerith>
Okay, I've deciphered this thing.
< jerith>
I track N and P(N), along with all prior pentagonal numbers I've seen.
09:08 Thaqui [Thaqui@27B34E.D54D49.F53FA1.6A113C] has joined #code
< jerith>
For every P(N), I run through the list of prior pentagonal numbers and test whether the sum and difference are pentagonal.
< jerith>
If they are, I replace the "smallest matching difference I've seen so far" with the new one.
09:12 You're now known as TheWatcher
< jerith>
One boundary condition tests whether the difference between the current P(J) and P(K) is greater than the smallest difference I've seen, I bail and move to the next P(N).
< jerith>
If the difference between P(N) and P(N-1) is greater than the smallest difference I've seen, there's no possibility of a smaller solution, so I'm done.
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10:03 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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10:59 * TheWatcher eughs, has reached the point where he's relying on his own documentation just to keep this code straight in his head (luckily, it is 30% comment at this point, so)
< gnolam>
< TheWatcher>
< TheWatcher>
Just a smidge over 10k lines of it now
< TheWatcher>
(across 26 files, I note)
11:49 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
12:07 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
12:07 Eri [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
12:08 Thaqui [Thaqui@27B34E.D54D49.F53FA1.6A113C] has quit [Connection closed]
12:20 Eri [] has joined #code
12:45 * TheWatcher eyes this email from work about an upcoming workshop; "... The themes of the workshop include program verification, runtime verification, and formal methods in general."
< TheWatcher>
Ooh, I better miss that one, I might pass out from all the excitement otherwise.
< Lingerance>
Is it titled "how to slow down development"?
< TheWatcher>
Alas not.
12:52 Lingerance is now known as Ling
12:54 Ling is now known as Shoat
13:00 Shoat is now known as Ling
13:02 Alek [] has joined #code
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13:04 Kindamoody|out is now known as Kindamoody
--- Log closed Wed Dec 14 13:08:00 2011
--- Log opened Wed Dec 14 13:10:41 2011
13:10 TheWatcher [] has joined #code
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TheWatcher: I guess you better start formally proving everything you do!
14:29 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|out
14:46 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
14:50 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
15:01 PinkFreud [WhyNot@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
15:23 Kindamoody|out is now known as Kindamoody
15:35 Eri [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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15:58 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Client closed the connection]
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< iospace>
i hate Linux serial programming..
16:48 ToxicFrog [ToxicFrog@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
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17:04 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
17:04 * Vornicus examines euler44. Okay, that's much easier to understand, but it goes a loooong way to verify the answer.
17:05<~Vornicus> oh. it does finish in plenty of time.
17:06<~Vornicus> Okay, simple program, just cache the results of pent so it doesn't check the same thing over and over. Daaah.
17:29 Derakon [] has joined #code
< Derakon>
What was that language that was the recent new hotness?
< Derakon>
It wasn't Erlang, was it?
< sshine>
< sshine>
Erlang is a slightly older beauty.
< Derakon>
Well, basically what I'm thinking is, I should revisit the Euler problems as an excuse to learn a new language, so the question is, which one?
< Derakon>
Given that I know all of the industry standards already, well, excepting Ruby.
< Derakon>
And C#.
17:42<~Vornicus> Haskell showed up.
< Derakon>
Ah, Haskell, that was it. Thanks.
17:43 RichardBarrell [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
< Derakon>
And I could definitely stand to brush up on my functional programming.
< Derakon>
Any recommendations for resources for learning it?
< Derakon>
Just head to and start hitting up links?
17:48<~Vornicus> I don't know, really. I started trying to learn it but the stuff I've seen is so basic it didn't feel like I was doing anything, and then I couldn't find an intermediate tutorial that was any good.
< sshine>
Derakon, there are two popular books available online: Learn You A Haskell and Real World Haskell.
< Derakon>
..."Learn You A Haskell"? Really?
< sshine>
Derakon, my experience is that for university students, LYAH is good in the beginning, and the late chapters in RWH are good as well.
< Derakon>
I'm a bit past university these days...
< sshine>
well, I preferred the writing style of LYAH, although it irritated me a little that the author is always being funny. I suppose it works for some people.
17:50<~Vornicus> But my experience was "Okay, so, the basic haskell stuff goes like this, but you're going to need a lot more tools to actually do anything, and we haven't even showed you show to build an if"
< sshine>
< sshine>
I recently learned Haskell to some level. I'd used Standard ML for quite a while, so the elementary functional programming stuff that LYAH IMO teaches best wasn't really the issue. learning the standard library for writing little code that does a lot, and learning how to use various combinators for monad and functor composition, that took and still takes some time.
< Derakon>
I did some SML back in college, but it's been a long time since then.
< sshine>
like... I'd go from constructing my own monad to using the built-in State monad, to using the StateT monad transformer, using do-notation and eventually almost eliminating it by using combinators and higher-order operators.
< sshine>
< sshine>
much of the essential FP is just like in SML, except for laziness and some advanced type-theoretic differences I don't fully understand.
17:54<~Vornicus> I've never used a functional language.
< sshine>
just laziness alone changes a lot of strategies on how you'd solve stuff, but I think the online books demonstrate it with simple examples. abstracting it to larger examples is something I've searched a little more for.
< Derakon>
Hunh, I would've thought you'd be all over them, Vorn.
< Derakon>
They can be quite elegant.
< sshine>
Vornicus, not learned one as part of education, either?
17:55 * sshine has never used C++.
< Derakon>
Have you used C?
17:55<~Vornicus> sshine: The only 200-level compsci course I've taken is data structures.
< sshine>
Derakon, yeah.
< Derakon>
C++ is C with more complicated structs and several massive and useful libraries, more or less.
< Derakon>
Grossly oversimplifying, mind you.
< sshine>
Derakon, I prefer to think of C++ as this over-complicated OO abstraction.
17:58<~Vornicus> I'd like to be all over them, but my experience so far has been much like haskell's: I have the very bare-bones basics and then I have to run to the references that I don't know how they're organized or even what half the symbols mean.
< sshine>
isn't there something about the C standard being renewed with a larger standard library?
17:58 * Derakon must duck out a bit.
17:58<~Vornicus> In contrast, by the time I finished the Python tutorial I had the entire syntax in my head.
< sshine>
Vornicus, yup. for Haskell the syntax isn't the hard part.
< sshine>
I learned a lot about writing compressed Haskell code when doing parser generators for a course
< sshine>
like... I'd start with something like: foo = do { c <- cmd; e <- expr; return (Cmd c e) } <|> do { decl; v <- var; e <- expr; return (Decl v e) }
< sshine>
and then I'd optimize it to: foo = (liftM Cmd cmd expr) <|> (decl >> liftM Decl var expr)
< sshine>
and now I think I'd write it as: foo = (Cmd <$> cmd <*> expr) <|> (Decl <$> (decl >> var) <$> expr)
< sshine>
oops, liftM2
< sshine>
the moment a pattern of function application becomes something that everyone does, someone writes a function or an operator to abstract it.
< sshine>
like... do { x <- get; let y = f x; put y; return () } to change the internal state of a monad can also be done like... modify f
< sshine>
there's lots of really nice syntax sugar in Haskell.
< sshine>
since all operators are functions, you can partially apply them
< sshine>
and the syntax for doing so is very nice: (/) is a function that takes two curried arguments and divides one by another, (2 /) is synonymous to (\x -> 2 / x) and (/ 2) is synonymous to (\x -> x / 2).
< sshine>
so you can do: map (** 2) somelist, whereas in Standard ML you have to do: map (fn x => x ** 2) somelist
< sshine>
one of my friends at university often uses SML operators \< and \> to partially apply a function that takes a tuple by inserting a value in one of the fields.
< sshine>
fun f \< x = fn y => f (x, y)
< sshine>
fun f \> y = fn x => f (x, y)
< sshine>
but it's not as elegant.
18:17<~Vornicus> Okay that there you've lost me
18:17<~Vornicus> WHat is the difference between those two
18:18 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
18:19<~Vornicus> or rather, what the hell just happened.
< sshine>
well, if you wanna square all numbers in a list, map (** 2) somelist will do that.
< sshine>
in Standard ML, map (op** \> 2) somelist could do it as well.
< sshine>
in Haskell they decided that a certain subset of characters are always infix operators
18:21<~Vornicus> --and the other would be like, powers of two.
< sshine>
18:22<~Vornicus> So the first one, given a function f(a,b) and a value y, it gives f_y(a) = f(a,y).
< sshine>
< Derakon>
Wait, are we in SML or Haskell now?
< sshine>
I used SML syntax, but you could define the operator in either language. only Haskell has syntax sugar for it that looks nicer already.
< sshine>
I don't know if any other language than Haskell does this: /[:!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|~-]+/ are infix operators, and they behave like nonfix when enclosed in parenthesis.
18:26 * Derakon installs Haskell, tries to run it, gets a dyld error.
< sshine>
what's dyld?
< Derakon>
Dynamic library load, I think.
18:27 * sshine is contemplating moving away from Arch Linux.
< sshine>
< Derakon>
"dyld: unknown required load command 0x800000022"
< sshine>
do you use a package manager?
< Derakon>
I used the OSX installer.
< sshine>
oh. I never tried that.
18:31 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
< Derakon>
So, so much for Haskell I guess.
18:38 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
< iospace>
sshine: i usually use arch for a linux distro :P
18:47 * sshine had this weird idea of installing Mono and a C# compiler the other day.
< sshine>
iospace, so do I, but I find some aspects a bit tedious.
< iospace>
like what?
< sshine>
iospace, running release requires me to update so often.
< sshine>
iospace, things are generally not working until I manually set them up. like IPP for printing.
< iospace>
< sshine>
iospace, python3 is the default, so much of my python crap that I rarely touch doesn't work out of the box unless I use virtualenv or something.
< iospace>
18:53 * AnnoDomini wonders: is it possible to change flash rendering quality in Linux? Especially in Opera.
< sshine>
AnnoDomini, right-click on the applet should give you a menu, assuming you use Adobe's flash?
< AnnoDomini>
Yes, I see the quality gauge when I rclick on YT videos.
< AnnoDomini>
(Submenu, not gauge.)
< AnnoDomini>
WTF. This wasn't there before.
< AnnoDomini>
Previously, trying to rclick on a flash game gave me something completely different.
19:07 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
19:12 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
19:13<~Vornicus> and the straightforward method, with caching of results, takes 36 seconds and has a 1.8M element set.
< iospace>
sshine: we actually use gentoo here
< iospace>
(where i work)
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< sshine>
iospace, they use gentoo on the university computers as well, but they've got system administrators who care to maintain a system, unlike I do. ;-)
< iospace>
< iospace>
actually our linux releases are gentoo based
20:05 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
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22:03 * Vornicus finishes adding descriptive comments to euler problems 41-50, discovers that project euler is down so he can't get the problem descriptions of 51-60.
< Derakon>
What's all this in aid of, anyway?
22:07 Eri [] has joined #code
22:08<~Vornicus> I want my project euler solutions to have the problem statements and a description of how I got there.
22:08<~Vornicus> er, how I got to the solution.
22:09 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
22:09 Reiver [orthianz@3CF3A5.E1CD01.C6689C.33956A] has joined #code
< AnnoDomini>
"The problem involves lots of calculation. I used a pay-per-minute computing cluster to brute-force this." (:V)
22:14<~Vornicus> Some of them are pretty obvious: "the last ten digits of sum(k**k for k in range(1,1001)" for instance is a one liner, where the solution looks exactly like the problem statement. However, some are totally befuddling; see 137, where the problem looks nothing at all like the solution: I've got an infinite power series and I need to find rational inputs that would give integer outputs, and I have
22:14<~Vornicus> three tiny calculations, none of which look like the original power series.
< Derakon>
< Derakon>
Sounds like you did a proof in the margin somewhere and then recycled the paper in question.
22:31 Stalker [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Into the hole again, we hurried along our way, into a once-glorious garden now seeped in dark decay.]
22:34<~Vornicus> Well, in that case I know what I did: I built the generating funciton for the power series and figured out how it falls together.
< jerith>
Did you figure out your p44?
< Derakon>
I should probably review my solutions at some point. Or re-do them.
< Derakon>
I kinda feel like my skills are stagnating, which is why I was looking into learning Haskell earlier.
22:38<~Vornicus> I scrapped what I had and went to a very simple solution where the only interesting thing I did was cache the known pentagonal numbers in a set for easy checking.
22:38 * jerith is looking into writing a language using the pypy stack.
< jerith>
And I might write one optimised for solving pe problems.
22:39<~Vornicus> this avoids calling int(depentagon(x)) = depentagon(x)
22:40<~Vornicus> (well, properly spelled out, because python doesn't recognize a const function when it sees it, and won't optimize that to one call)
< jerith>
pypy will, if you tell the JIT.
22:44<~Vornicus> So I only ever call depentagon once for each k, replacing nearly every call to it with a set.__contains__
22:47 Stalker [] has joined #code
22:50 AnnoDomini [] has quit [[NS] Quit: leaving]
23:03 * Vornicus pokes the pe guys. c'mon, fix yer shit
< Derakon>
How dare they not keep their free CS/math-nerd entertainment online~
23:04<~Vornicus> Exactly~
< Derakon>
Hm, I appear to have signed myself up to completely rework how combat is done in Angband.
< Derakon>
Me and my big mouth.
23:26<~Vornicus> You fool
< McMartin>
wate wut
< Derakon>
I theorycrafted a new system that would rather neatly do away with several annoying quirks (most notably, that the first thing your hulking fighter wants to do as soon as he enters town is go buy the smallest weapon he can find).
< Derakon>
Then I expounded on the theory in more detail.
< Derakon>
That was a mistake, clearly~
< McMartin>
OK, I'm curious about the theorycraft behind that particular quirk.
< Derakon>
That quirk comes from the calculations that drive the number of attacks you get each round, which is f(strength, dexterity, weapon weight).
< Derakon>
That and how much damage you deal, which is (dice roll + damage bonuses).
< McMartin>
So more attacks beats out all else, so lightest weapons is the most important thing
23:29 cpux [] has joined #code
< Derakon>
So if your STR gives you +2 to damage and you get 3 blows per round with a 1d4 dagger, then you're looking at 3d4+6 damage...vs, say, 2d5+2 for a longsword.
< Derakon>
< Derakon>
This issue sticks around until you get the stats to get multiple blows even with the heavier weapons, or unless you start with bad enough stats that you can't get multiple blows even with daggers.
< Derakon>
Though in the latter case, it just gets delayed until you pump your stats up.
< Derakon>
(Still, I had a hobbit paladin wandering around swinging a gigantic maul for awhile because his 16 STR was too puny to multistrike with light weapons)
< Derakon>
So the new theory is that you get "finesse" from DEX, "power" from STR, and each weapon has a multiplier for same. E.g. a dagger would be .8 finesse and .2 power.
< Derakon>
Multiply your finesse and power scores by the value on the weapon.
< Derakon>
For finesse, that tells you how many blows you get (plus the default 1 blow).
< Derakon>
For power, that tells you how much extra damage you deal.
< Derakon>
So with that dagger and scores of 200 finesse / 200 power, you'd get (200 * .8 = 1.6) + 1 = 2.6 blows/round.
< Derakon>
And each blow would deal (200 * .2 = .4) + 1 = 1.4x the dice damage.
23:55 * Vornicus pokes the internet. project euler is the only site he can't reach in his usual trawl, and says it's up.
< Derakon>
I tried loading it earlier and couldn't.
23:58<~Vornicus> wtfx
< TheWatcher>
Not working for me, either
< Derakon>
DfEoJM presumably doesn't have any kind of distributed check; it's just a third-party that can ping the site in question.
--- Log closed Thu Dec 15 00:00:17 2011
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