code logs -> 2011 -> Thu, 28 Jul 2011< code.20110727.log - code.20110729.log >
--- Log opened Thu Jul 28 00:00:28 2011
00:13 kwsn [t1gg@31356A.5FD175.3E1307.550A93] has joined #code
00:14 * kwsn waves
00:19 You're now known as TheWatcher[T-2]
00:21 You're now known as TheWatcher[zZzZ]
00:25 shade_of_cpux is now known as cpux
00:39 Stalker [Z@26ECB6.A4B64C.298B52.D80DA0] has quit [[NS] Quit: If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.]
00:54 Syloqs-AFH [Syloq@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Client closed the connection]
01:07 Stalker [] has joined #code
01:18 Attilla [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
01:44 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody[zZz]
02:13 Stalker [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
03:00 Derakon[AFK] [] has quit [Operation timed out]
03:05 Derakon[AFK] [] has joined #code
03:11 Vash [] has joined #code
03:33 gnolam [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Z?]
03:41 Syloqs_AFH [Syloq@NetworkAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
03:42 Syloqs_AFH is now known as Syloqs-AFH
05:43 AnnoDomini [] has joined #code
05:43 kwsn is now known as kw\t-2
05:43 * kw\t-2 waves
05:44 * AnnoDomini particles.
05:45 kw\t-2 [t1gg@31356A.5FD175.3E1307.550A93] has quit [[NS] Quit: WHAT THE F-*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM*]
07:43 Kindamoody[zZz] is now known as Kindamoody
07:51 Vornicus [vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Client closed the connection]
07:57 Vornicus [vorn@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
08:02 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|afk
08:06 Stalker [] has joined #code
08:37 Vash [] has quit [[NS] Quit: I <lovecraft3 Vorn!]
08:51 * Stalker pokes Vornicus Von Sucinrov.
< Stalker>
Where did all the @s go?
09:08 * FurryHelix sits on a pile of @-hats.
< Vornicus>
I don't know where all the @s went. Probably they're hanging out with the flowers.
< Vornicus>
09:16 ServerMode/#code [+qo Vornicus Vornicus] by *.Nightstar.Net
09:17 mode/#code [+oooooooooooooooooooo Alek AnnoDomini cpux Derakon[AFK] froztbyte FurryHelix jerith Kazriko Kindamoody|afk McMartin Namegduf Phox PinkFreud Reiver simon_ Stalker Syloqs-AFH Tarinaky TheWatcher[zZzZ] ToxicFrog] by Vornicus
09:27 * FurryHelix sprinkles petals over McMartin.
09:27 FurryHelix is now known as Tamber
09:33 You're now known as TheWatcher
09:34<~Vornicus> Man. Pete Seeger and DOuglas Adams references all at once.
10:24 Attilla [] has joined #code
10:42 Kindamoody|afk [] has quit [[NS] Quit: See you later! :)]
120917 | -ChanServ- #code AOP list is empty.
Doesn't seem intentional, did Nightstar's services recently explode.
Might be using access lists, rather than xOP.
No, it's intentional
Well, if byt "intentional", you read "Reiver hasn't been arsed to set it up"
Reiver can't figure heads from tails.
He forgot his services password and hasn't bothered to reset it.
11:35 Kindamoody|out [] has joined #code
11:36 Kindamoody|out is now known as Kindamoody
11:43 Kindamoody is now known as KiMoAtWork
Oi Vorn did you steal my channel :p
It's not your channel until, you identify.
Would you please fix your services password?
Sooner would be better.
--- Log closed Thu Jul 28 11:56:54 2011
--- Log opened Thu Jul 28 11:57:06 2011
11:57 TheWatcher [] has joined #code
11:57 Irssi: #code: Total of 22 nicks [18 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 4 normal]
11:57 Irssi: Join to #code was synced in 43 secs
If you are in a position where people rely on you, should you be reliable?
12:15 cpux is now known as shade_of_cpux
12:20 shade_of_cpux_ [] has joined #code
12:22 shade_of_cpux [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
12:22 shade_of_cpux_ is now known as shade_of_cpux
14:34 Stalker [] has quit [[NS] Quit: If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.]
15:19 Stalker [Z@26ECB6.A4B64C.298B52.D80DA0] has joined #code
15:32 KiMoAtWork [] has quit [[NS] Quit: See you later! :)]
15:53 gnolam [] has joined #code
16:04 Kindamoody|out [] has joined #code
16:05 Kindamoody|out is now known as Kindamoody|afk
16:12 ServerMode/#code [-q+q Vornicus Reiver] by *.Nightstar.Net
16:15<~Reiver> sup Vorn
16:15 * Reiver tries to figure out how to make a PS3 controller pretend to be a 360 controller.
Dark Magic.
16:16<~Reiver> It is, unfortunately
16:16<~Reiver> Because the game supports 360 controllers, but not generic 'controller' interfaces.
Oh dear. :(
16:40 Kindamoody|afk is now known as Kindamoody
17:02 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|noms
Reiver: xpadder will let it look like a keyboard+mouse; xbox360ce will make it look like a 360 controller.
(what game?)
17:06<~Reiver> ToxicFrog: Audiosurf
17:06<~Reiver> xbox360ce sounds like the way to go; you are awesome sir
17:07<~Reiver> ... except that google is flooded with game links rather than the actual product.
17:07 * Reiver stab.
17:07<~Reiver> Is there one that lets me make a controller into a joystick?
--- Log closed Thu Jul 28 17:13:11 2011
--- Log opened Thu Jul 28 17:13:18 2011
17:13 TheWatcher [] has joined #code
17:13 Irssi: #code: Total of 23 nicks [16 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 7 normal]
17:13<~Reiver> hm
17:13<~Reiver> So I paste this into the executables directory?
17:13 Irssi: Join to #code was synced in 39 secs
17:15 * Reiver goes hunting for where Steam stores the fuckin' stuff.
Deeeep down in its directory structure. heh
one reason why I look elsewhere first to buy games.
17:23 Kindamoody|noms is now known as Kindamoody
17:29<~Reiver> ... augh did not work
17:29 * Reiver stab
17:29<~Reiver> So now I have to test by renaming the dll a bunch of times?
Reiver: it always stores it in $STEAM/SteamApps/common/<game name>
And yeah, I'm pretty sure the name on the x360ce DLL has to match the name of the 360 library the game was linked against
17:36<~Reiver> Aha, so it's renaming funtimes
17:36<~Reiver> How vaugely irritating, but cheers
You probably want to replace engine/xinput1_3.dll with the x360ce version, I think
Not sure, though, I've never used it myself
17:48<~Reiver> waugh
17:48<~Reiver> Doesn't work at all ;_;
17:49<~Reiver> At least not with the four names reccomended in the main directory. Hn.
17:49<~Reiver> I wonder if it should go elsewhere
What do you mean by "the main directory" here?
17:56<~Reiver> ahahaha
17:56<~Reiver> It worketh
17:56<~Reiver> kinda.
17:56<~Reiver> Now for enabling rumble
18:05 Tarinaky is now known as Decker
18:17 * TheWatcher flails vaguely at acl storage
acl storage?
19:11 * ToxicFrog writes a quick program to upload his game list to backloggery
Now that's downright strange.
19:36 * Vornicus wonders how vvvvvv keeps track of "most deaths" in the save file, discovers that per-room death counts aren't kept!
19:39<~Reiver> waugh, no rumble
19:39<~Reiver> Why is it telling me that my playstation controller has no rumble
19:39<~Reiver> It's right there ;_;
19:46 ToxicFrog [ToxicFrog@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Operation timed out]
19:48 ToxicFrog [ToxicFrog@ServerAdministrator.Nightstar.Net] has joined #code
20:16 Decker is now known as Tarinaky
Vorn: It's kept somewhere else and defeats savescumming.
20:33 AnnoDomini [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Imma do something else.]
20:40 Kindamoody is now known as Kindamoody|out
21:05 * TheWatcher readsup
< TheWatcher>
froztbyte: access control lists for my gallery WIP
21:38 * TheWatcher stabs people who add modules to CPAN whose documentation includes things like telling you that foo() returns a hashref... with no information about what the hashref is supposed to actually /contain/
Hashes are self-documenting! You can iterate through them!
TheWatcher, oh that's Fun. Had that with Net::LastFM...
Fed it to Data::Dumper and figured it out that way. Probably doesn't help /you/, though... :p
< TheWatcher>
Oh, I could do that. Provided that I had access to images with every format of EXIF data.
...ah, yes. That is problematic.
< TheWatcher>
As it is, I can work it all out, but the point is that I shouldn't have to, damnit
That is what TFM is for, damnit. :p
22:07 * TheWatcher tries to decide whether he wants to cache exif data in the database, or just pull it out on demand
Easier to pull it on demand. How long does it take to do so, and how complex would it be compared to cacheing (including invalidating cache, etc.)?
22:18 AnnoDomini [] has joined #code
23:40 AnnoDomini [] has quit [[NS] Quit: Enough.]
--- Log closed Fri Jul 29 00:00:43 2011
code logs -> 2011 -> Thu, 28 Jul 2011< code.20110727.log - code.20110729.log >

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