code logs -> 2008 -> Fri, 27 Jun 2008< code.20080626.log - code.20080628.log >
--- Log opened Fri Jun 27 00:00:52 2008
01:25 gnolam [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
01:25 gnolam [] has joined #Code
01:26 mode/#code [+o gnolam] by ChanServ
01:51 gnolam [] has quit [Quit: Z?]
03:39 Attilla [~The.Attil@92.9.59.ns-21252] has quit [Ping Timeout]
06:51 AnnoDomini [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
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06:58 mode/#code [+o AnnoDomini] by ChanServ
08:49 Vornicus is now known as Vornicus-Latens
10:05 Attilla [~The.Attil@92.9.59.ns-21252] has joined #code
10:05 mode/#code [+o Attilla] by ChanServ
10:13 Pi [] has quit [Ping Timeout]
11:17 Attilla [~The.Attil@92.9.59.ns-21252] has quit [Ping Timeout]
11:31 Attilla [~The.Attil@92.9.59.ns-21252] has joined #code
11:31 mode/#code [+o Attilla] by ChanServ
12:43 gnolam [] has joined #Code
12:43 mode/#code [+o gnolam] by ChanServ
13:34 Attilla [~The.Attil@92.9.59.ns-21252] has quit [Ping Timeout]
TF: the terminal issue I was talking about yesterday
<@TheWatcher> - the code snippet
I'm tempted to include a comment about spiders.
(needless to say, this code will be supplied for the students, not expected to be written...)
13:41 Attilla [~The.Attil@92.9.59.ns-21252] has joined #code
13:41 mode/#code [+o Attilla] by ChanServ
Why are the students targeting windows anyways?
"Here's an xterm. Here's the ANSI escape sequences. Here's the DEC VT220 interface manual. go wild."
TF: They aren't
But they are using windows
15:00 Attilla [~The.Attil@92.9.59.ns-21252] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
I can't just say "here's something that works on linux. You can go and install it, or sucks to be you"
s/linux/cygwin/ or whatever.
15:02 Attilla [~The.Attil@92.9.59.ns-21252] has joined #code
15:02 mode/#code [+o Attilla] by ChanServ
This isn't even code they need to write - they are writing the actual guts of the code, I'm just providing a means to display it that doesn't rely on other libraries and several hundred lines of code
Although, I contend you can say that, depending on the available environment. It certainly works here.
This is an introductory level C course, aimed at conversion MSc students, individuals in industry who need a C qualification, and the general public.
Assignments target linux. You don't have linux? Here's SSH keys for the lab cluster, or you can stop by the CS Club offices and they'll be glad to help you set up Linux or Cygwin on your computer.
A distance learning course too.
And you have no idea how much fun we have with the ARM System Design course in that regard (where people need to connect to our systems, as standalone licenses of the software involved run over £6k)
None of those appeal? Well, that's your choice, but whatever you turn in has to run on the lab computers.
16:53 gnolam [] has quit [Quit: Reboot]
16:55 gnolam [] has joined #Code
16:55 mode/#code [+o gnolam] by ChanServ
17:33 * ToxicFrog reworks the libres interface again
ToxicFrog: aka the standard university approach.
ToxicFrog: which gets vaguely funny when you use BSD at home. :)
17:54 ToxicFrog [~ToxicFrog@Admin.Nightstar.Net] has quit [Operation timed out]
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17:56 mode/#code [+o ToxicFrog] by ChanServ
18:14 Raif [] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
18:14 Raif [] has joined #Code
18:14 mode/#code [+o Raif] by ChanServ
19:39 Attilla_ [~The.Attil@92.9.59.ns-21252] has joined #code
19:40 Attilla [~The.Attil@92.9.59.ns-21252] has quit [Ping Timeout]
19:42 Attilla_ is now known as Attilla
22:48 You're now known as TheWatcher[zZzZ]
--- Log closed Sat Jun 28 00:00:58 2008
code logs -> 2008 -> Fri, 27 Jun 2008< code.20080626.log - code.20080628.log >